Perspective Québec offers scholarships of $1,500 at CEGEP and $2,500 at the university for each successful session. Apply online before February 28, 2024, and enjoy continuous financial support throughout your studies!
Québec's New Scholarship Program for Students
We understand that student life can be complex and expensive. Luckily for Quebec students, the time has come: the Perspective Québec program is here to help finance your academic journey. Regardless of your grades, if you've passed your courses, you can qualify for a generous scholarship of $1,500 for CEGEP or $2,500 for university after each successful session.
Spanning nearly 100 study programs, the program targets key sectors such as education, engineering, health, social services, and IT, where the demand for specialized professionals is most critical. Check out the complete list here.
Be proactive!
Don't rely on your school to get this information. Take the initiative and apply online now to speed up your scholarship process. With just your permanent code and banking information, the online form will take you just a few minutes to complete.
Remember the deadline: February 28, 2024, for the Fall 2023 session. Don't let this golden opportunity slip away.
Once your application is approved, the funds will be deposited directly into your bank account, usually within 3 to 11 business days, and there are no tax implications, although a statement must be included in your tax return.
And that's just the beginning! Perspective Québec is committed to offering ongoing support by awarding scholarships for each completed session. Imagine the potential to collect up to $9,000 at CEGEP or $20,000 at university! Keep in mind to renew your application at the end of each session.
Don't miss the deadline
The next deadline for Winter 2024 is July 31. Mark this date well because a simple oversight could deprive you of this valuable funding.
With Perspective Québec scholarships, the path to academic success is less burdened with financial obstacles. Seize this opportunity to fully dedicate yourself to your academic and professional journey, ensuring that your efforts are rewarded fairly.
For more information, you can visit the Government of Quebec's website. Or simply fill out this online form.
Take care of your finances today!