Support for Entrepreneurship in Quebec: Focus on Offering High-Quality Advisory Services

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Mar 14, 2024
3 min
Entrepreneur from Quebec focusing on advisory services, an important segment of the 2024 Quebec's budget

In a significant strategic turn, the Quebec government unveils its renewed vision to stimulate entrepreneurship through the Quebec Entrepreneurship Plan 2022-2025.

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At the heart of this vision lies a deep commitment to offering high-quality advisory services to entrepreneurs, recognizing their crucial role in the province's economy. This article delves deep into what this initiative promises for Quebec's entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

Main Objective 

Strengthen support for entrepreneurs throughout all stages of their business journey, from startup to expansion. 

Types of Advisory Services Offered

The diversity and richness of the available advisory services underline the approach's holistic aspect. Here are some of the main types:

Management and Development

Provide business management advice to navigate daily challenges efficiently and plan for healthy growth. 


Help entrepreneurs identify and access various funding sources, including grants, loans, and tax credits. 


Offer guidance on research and development (R&D) to encourage innovation within companies. 


Assist in developing marketing strategies and market expansion to better position products/services. 

Growth Strategies

Advise on best practices for business expansion and evolution. 


The services are designed to be accessible to all entrepreneurs, regardless of their company's development stage, ensuring tailored and effective support. 

Ultimate Goal 

Encourage Entrepreneurship

By dismantling obstacles to entrepreneurship through quality advice, the initiative aims to inspire more individuals to start businesses.

Increase Competitiveness

Support companies in their development to strengthen the Quebec economy and its competitiveness in national and international markets. 

Why It's Crucial? 

The valorization of entrepreneurship and the offer of high-quality advisory services are essential for several reasons: 

  • Innovation and Economic Growth: Entrepreneurs are the engines of innovation and economic growth. Supporting them stimulates job creation and economic diversification. 
  • Market Competitiveness: Access to specialized advice prepares companies to better face competition, both in local and international markets. 


The Quebec Entrepreneurship Plan 2022-2025, with its commitment to offering high-quality advisory services, marks an important step in the support of entrepreneurship in Quebec. 

Offering a solid and accessible support framework eases the path to success for current and future entrepreneurs, thus affirming the importance of innovation and business growth in the economic development of the province.

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